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Rules for participation

National Stage Band Awards
  • Each band must perform three pieces; the SET PIECE, BALLAD OF OWN CHOICE & Other OWN CHOICE


  • Band warm up areas will be provided prior to performance time.


  • Band performance times:                      
    Division 1 - 30 minutes
    Division 2 - 25 minutes
    Division 3, 4, 4+ & 5 - 20 minutes (This time is for quick set up and on-stage tune up only; it does not include the time for warm up)


  • Adjudication penalty for any band’s performance time exceeding the time limit, will be at the discretion of the adjudicator.


  • The musical director and players of each band must not change any notation by pitch or rhythm of their choice of ballad.


  • All dynamics must remain as originally scored.


  • Bands may show their individual interpretation and creative style during their “own choice” performance only.


  • The adjudicators will pay particular attention to correct articulation and phrasing, intonation, ensemble balance and blend, soloists, rhythm section groove. The main objective is for each ensemble to play each separate selection in the correct style in which it has been written.


  • The adjudicators will be selecting players from Division 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the “Superbands.”


  • Adjudicators will be selecting players from Division 1 for Future Finalists


  • All bands will receive a constructive assessment of their performance with suggestions on how to rectify any problem areas. You will also be provided with a recording of your performance before you leave for your trip home.


  • There must be no more than 20 musicians on stage for Division 1, Division 2, Division 3 and Division 4 bands and no more than 25 musicians for Division 4+ and Division 5 at any one time.


  • The only interchange of band members between divisions that is permissible, is from the lower division band to a higher division band, unless a consensus of approval is reached by Music Directors involved in the participating division.


  • Judging will be made up of the following for Stage Bands

                                                SET PIECE                   /100
                                                BALLAD                       /100
                                               OWN CHOICE              /100
                                               TOTAL SCORE             /300 POINTS


  1. The Generations in Jazz Festival is open to students who are currently attending any primary or secondary school, and who are participating in a school, college or community jazz band or ensemble.

  2. Players are eligible to perform in the festival if they are full-time students of the participating school/s and are under 19 years of age, or whose 19th birthday occurs during the year of the festival.

  3. Combined school groups may participate if that ensemble rehearses on a regular basis.

  4. Two or more schools may join to form an ensemble, provided they stipulate this at the time of registration. Only one entry form needs to be submitted.

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