Division Overview
The Division Overviews are defined as clearly as possible to be inclusive and allow all entries to perform in the most appropriate divisions.
If you are unsure about where to place a band or ensemble, please refer to the Division Overview below which clearly outlines the division definitions. Some of the criteria has changed, so please make sure read the supporting documents below so you can enter the most appropriate divisions.

Division 1 - City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
This division is intended for bands playing at the highest level of secondary school big bands. Bands should be comfortable with executing a very high level of stylistic interpretation, technique and tone colour, with rhythm sections having an exceptional understanding and delivery of different feels and grooves. Bands should be performing professional level (Grade 5 and above) material. The set piece for Division 1 will be a professional chart, or chart of a professional standard.
Players Band Instrumentation:
The instrumentation of bands entering Division 1 is to consist of:
5 Saxophones
5 Trumpets (up to)
4 Trombones Rhythm Section
1 Piano
1 Drums
1 Bass
1 Guitar
Alternative instruments are allowed if they are required by the specific chart selection (e.g. woodwind doubles, flugelhorns, tuba, additional percussion, etc.). Any member of the band may play any of the above instruments and bands may change their personnel and instrumentation during their performance provided that no extra players are introduced to the stage that exceed the twenty (20) on stage at any one time.
Performance Requirements
Each band must perform three pieces which will include:
GIJ Set Piece (Kidding on the Square)
Ballad of Own Choice &
Own Choice
Performance Time: 30 Minutes
Set up and quick tuning on stage is included in each band’s allocated time and we would ask that all Music Directors respect this request, to be fair to all participants.
The only band permitted to warm up on stage is the first band scheduled on the day. Band warm up areas will be provided for use prior to performance time.
Players On Stage:
There must be no more than 20 musicians on stage for Division 1 at any one time.
No teacher, parent or designated supervisor (unless acting as an accompanist or conductor) will be allowed on stage at any time.
Division 2 - City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
This division is for bands at an advanced level, or bands or who are transitioning from the intermediate level up to an advanced level. Bands should have a high level of understanding regarding style and interpretation and should be performing with good technique and definition of articulation. The test piece for division 2 will be of a lower advanced to advanced level (grade 4, to 4 and a half).
Band Instrumentation:
The instrumentation of bands entering Division 2 is to consist of:
5 Saxophones
5 Trumpets (up to)
4 Trombones Rhythm Section
1 Piano
1 Drums
1 Bass
1 Guitar
Any member of the band may play any of the above instruments and bands may change their personnel and instrumentation during their performance provided that no extra players are introduced to the stage that exceed the twenty (20) on stage at any one time.
Subtle size and instrumentation variations will be accepted (e.g. tuba instead of bass trombone, only 4 saxes, etc.). For severely reduced lineups or ensembles with odd instrumentation, see Div 4 + (mixed instrumentation) and Div 5 (non-competitive).
Performance Requirements:
Each band must perform three pieces which will include:
GIJ Set Piece (Absoludicrous)
Own Choice (for 2024 only)
Own Choice
Performance Time: 25 Minutes
Set up and quick tuning on stage is included in each band’s allocated time and we would ask that all Music Directors respect this request, to be fair to all participants.
The only band permitted to warm up on stage is the first band scheduled on the day. Band warm up areas will be provided for use prior to performance time.
Players on stage:
There must be no more than 20 musicians on stage for Division 2 at any one time.
No teacher, parent or designated supervisor (unless acting as an accompanist or conductor) will be allowed on stage at any time.
Division 3 - City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
This division is for bands at an intermediate level. Bands should have a good level of understanding regarding style and interpretation and should be performing with sound technique and definition of articulation. The test piece for division 3 will be of an intermediate level (grade 3, to 3 and a half).
Band Instrumentation:
The instrumentation of bands entering Division 3 is to consist of:
5 Saxophones
5 Trumpets (up to)
4 Trombones Rhythm Section
1 Piano
1 Drums
1 Bass
1 Guitar
Any member of the band may play any of the above instruments and bands may change their personnel and instrumentation during their performance provided that no extra players are introduced to the stage that exceed the twenty (20) on stage at any one time.
Subtle size and instrumentation variations will be accepted (e.g. tuba instead of bass trombone, only 4 saxes, etc.).
For severely reduced line- ups or ensembles with odd instrumentation, see Div 4 + (mixed instrumentation) and Div 5 (non-competitive).
Performance Requirements:
Each band must perform three pieces which will include:
GIJ Set Piece - Crunchy Frog
Ballad of Own Choice &
Own Choice
Band Performance Times: 20 Minutes
Set up and quick tuning on stage is included in each band’s allocated time and we would ask that all Music Directors respect this request, to be fair to all participants.
The only band permitted to warm up on stage is the first band scheduled on the day. Band warm up areas will be provided prior to performance time.
Players on Stage:
There must be no more than 20 musicians on stage for Division 3 at any one time. No teacher, parent or designated supervisor (unless acting as an accompanist or conductor) will be allowed on stage at any time.
Division 4 - City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
This division is for bands at an upper junior/lower intermediate level. Bands should have a good level of understanding regarding style and interpretation and should be performing with sound technique and definition of articulation within their chosen material. The test piece will be of an upper junior level (grade 2, to 2 and a half).
Band Instrumentation:
The instrumentation of bands entering Division 4 is to consist of:
5 Saxophones (up to)
5 Trumpets (up to)
4 Trombones Rhythm Section
1 Piano
1 Drums
1 Bass
1 Guitar
Any member of the band may play any of the above instruments and bands may change their personnel and instrumentation during their performance provided that no extra players are introduced to the stage that exceed the twenty (20) on stage at any one time.
Subtle size and instrumentation variations will be accepted (e.g tuba instead of bass trombone, only 4 saxes, etc.). For severely reduced line-ups or ensembles with odd instrumentation, see Div 4 + (mixed instrumentation) and Div 5 (non-competitive).
Performance Requirements
Each band must perform three pieces which will include:
GIJ Set Piece - There's The Rub
Ballad of Own Choice &
Own Choice
Band Performance Times: 20 Minutes
Set up and quick tuning on stage is included in each band’s allocated time and we would ask that all Music Directors respect this request, to be fair to all participants.
The only band permitted to warm up on stage is the first band scheduled on the day. Band warm up areas will be provided prior to performance time.
Players on Stage:
There must be no more than 20 musicians on stage for Division 4 at any one time. No teacher, parent or designated supervisor (unless acting as an accompanist or conductor) will be allowed on stage at any time.
Division 4+ (Mixed Instrumentation) - City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
This division is for bands at an upper junior/lower intermediate level, but who have unusual instrumentation, or very reduced or inflated line-ups. Bands should have a good level of understanding regarding style and interpretation and should be performing with sound technique and definition of articulation within their chosen material. The test piece will be of an upper junior level (grade 2, to 2 and a half).
Note: It is the job of each school's Music/Band Director to re-orchestrate the Division 4 Set Piece for their specific instrumentation.
Band Instrumentation:
Substitution of any instrument is permitted. Any member of the band may play any instruments and bands may change their personnel and instrumentation during their performance provided that no extra players are introduced to the stage that exceed the twenty-five (25 on stage at any one time).
Performance Requirements:
Each band must perform three pieces which will include:
GIJ Set Piece - There's The Rub (Mixed Instrumentation)
Ballad of Own Choice &
Own Choice
Band Performance Time: 20 Minutes
Set up and quick tuning on stage is included in each band’s allocated time and we would ask that all Music Directors respect this request, to be fair to all participants.
The only band permitted to warm up on stage is the first band scheduled on the day. Band warm up areas will be provided prior to performance time.
Players on Stage
There must be no more than twenty-five 25 musicians on stage for Division 4+ at any one time. No teacher, parent or designated supervisor (unless acting as an accompanist or conductor) will be allowed on stage at any time.
Division 5 (Non Competitive) - City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
This Division is for young/junior ensembles, ensembles with usual instrumentation, ensembles with heavily reduced or inflated line-ups, or ensembles who simply want to perform in a non-competitive environment. Each ensemble will receive constructive comments and encouragements from an adjudicator but will not be ranked in any order. The Set Piece for division 5 will be of a junior level (grade 2 and lower) and will have optional instrumentation variations for schools with varied line-ups.
Band Instrumentation:
Substitution of any instrument is permitted
Any member of the band may play any instruments and bands may change their personnel and instrumentation during performance provided that no extra players are introduced to the stage that exceed the twenty-five (25 on stage at any one time).
Performance Requirements:
Each band must perform three pieces which will include:
Ballad of Own Choice &
Own Choice 1
Own Choice 2
Note: No Set Piece for 2024
Band Performance Time: 20 Minutes
Set up and quick tuning on stage is included in each band’s allocated time and we would ask that all Music Directors respect this request, to be fair to all participants.
The only band permitted to warm up on stage is the first band scheduled on the day. Band warm up areas will be provided prior to performance time.
Players on Stage:
There must be no more than twenty-five (25) musicians on stage for Division 5 at any one time. No teacher, parent or designated supervisor (unless acting as an accompanist or conductor) will be allowed on stage at any time.

Stage Band Awards - Set Piece Samples
Division 1
City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
The Hi Hat Man!
Composed & Arranged by Migiwa Miyajima
Division 2 SBA
City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
Remembering Basie
Composed & Arranged by Judy Bailey
Division 3 SBA
City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
Bye Burner
Composed & Arranged by Max Grynchuk
Division 4 SBA
City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
Timeless Stomp
Composed & Arranged by Johnny Turner
Division 4+ SBA
Mixed Instrumentation
City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
Timeless Stomp
Composed & Arranged by Johnny Turner
Division 5 SBA
Non Competetive
City of Mount Gambier National Stage Band Awards
No compulsory set piece for this division in 2024.
This will allow Music Directors greater freedom in selection repertoire already being used at school. If schools wish to purchase previous Div 5 Set Pieces to use please contact schools@generationsinjazz.com.au
If you have a questions relating to Set Pieces please contact our schools team.
08 7735 0303